A tour inside VFS GD Campus
Hey guys, how are you? Next week we have the latest presentations, including the final project presentation in Flash, and the lessons of this term finally conclude on Wednesday. To do a fast update in the Blog during these crazy days, I decided to do a Video Tour inside the Game Design Campus of VFS, during the Easter holiday, in which the school was pretty empty at dawn. The choice of time came from the fact that so I do not need to ask permission of everyone who appeared in the video.
I apologize in advance for all of my shakes in the video. And also by my accent. LOL Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video and can satisfy the curiosity of how is the Game Design Campus inside.
Stay tuned for next posts in the coming weeks, I’ll try to update with a greater amount of information.
Thanks for visiting and COMMENT PLEASE!
thanks for posting your files every month and now with this new video
Congratulations for your dedication in showing us how a very nice school in canada compared to Brazil
Oh, thank you for the comment, man! It’s my pleasure to be helping the others. And it’s always good to receive a comment showing the appreciation of my work here. See ya! 😀
Awww, your cute little accent!
When are you comming home? Your son misses you and me too!
love ya
Awwww…. He showed me a picture of the baby and you, you look one cute family!
You guys are crazy! LOL 😛 Thanks for the comment anyway.
Passei por aqui. Beijoooo. Te amo.
Muito obrigado.
Eu também te amo. Saudadezona.
Muito legal onde você estuda. Outra estrutura, né? Estamos orgulhosos.
A estrutura é incrível mesmo. 😀 Valeu pelo comentário aqui. Abraço!!
Sua escola é linda! Que infra-estrutura foda hein? E parece que não termina nunca, é muito grande haha. Quantos alunos estudam aí? D=
E sua voz ta diferente, nem reconheci 😮
Parabens pelo video, muito explicativo. E seu inglês tá ótimo!
SIIIM! A escola eh demais. Voce tem que vir me visitar aqui pra conhecer tambem. Eu nao tenho ideia de quantos alunos tem, mas eh bastante. Geralmente 6 turmas ao mesmo tempo. Cada turma tem de 15 a 30 alunos. Mais ou menos isso.
Minha voz tah igual, ue! auheuaeuhaeuh! Meu accent que eh pessimo mesmo. ;x Valeu pelo comentario. Abracao!