Cinco novas Toy Boxes para download!
Cinco novas Toy Boxes estão agora disponíveis para Download dentro do jogo. Toda nova semana a Disney vai escolher as cinco melhores opções enviadas pelos jogadores, e colocar em destaque para todos poderem fazer o download da mesma.
Dessa vez você pode encontrar Blue Breakout, Jungle Cruise, Trench Run, Toy Columbia (baseado na cidade de Columbia de Bioshock Infinite) e Sky Gauntlet.
Hi everybody! The Disney Infinity team here! We are back with five more downloadable Toy Boxes for your Thursday. This weeks Toy Boxes take the gameplay to the next level. If you like challenging platformers, be sure to download Blue Breakout and Sky Gauntlet. Trench Runs a tricky course too! Watch the video for a preview of these and more new Toy Boxes, and then download them for yourself! To get to the Disney Toy Boxes, sign in with your Disney ID and select Toy Box from the Disney Infinity Main Menu. Next select Toy Box Share and Disneys Toy Boxes.
– Disney Infinity Team
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